What’s with the notion that artists should not make money on about? I know, I went straight to the point. This is because this conversation needs to be had. I had a heated argument with an artist the other day as he was convinced that artists shouldn’t make money but should instead focus on making the world a better place. Really heart-warming if you think about it. Heart-warming but stomach-starving!

I know artists because I am one. We are romantics and may have tormented souls that scream inside us till we create something. We feel complete in creation mode. I must admit, to create is a beautiful experience. It’s to kiss the universe’s soul. So I understand the need to be bigger than yourself and to create with that in mind. How then can what you have created be valued? It is priceless. It’s heaven’s shadow and light. That’s all true. However, what happens when you are creating for a living? What happens when art is what puts food on your table?

Art has become increasingly exploited. There is tons of money in entertainment and art has been recycled to make a buck. So yes, I am one of those that are angry and disgusted for the sorry excuse for art and artists that is being peddled around nowadays for the consumption of the masses. So what happens to the artist who believes in the beauty and sanctity of their work? Do they sit back and create masterpieces and then wait for handouts or the world to magically find out about their work and love it? Why should art be a part-time job or hobby? Why are the most talented artists broke and the least talented making millions?

It begins with artists themselves. Not all of us can be rich and famous, but we can make a decent living from our art. Let’s strike a balance between the awe for our art and the business of our art. There’s a reason you have that talent. Don’t bury it in the ground, use it. Stop waiting for people to magically find your art. We live in the digital age. It’s never been easier to market yourself! Get online. Go for a business class or get a business partner. Begin to brand yourself and put in the effort to get your art to the consumers.

I believe an artist can make a difference and still make a decent living from their art. We shouldn’t have to choose. And honestly, how is starving romantic? Sounds like an outdated myth to me!


mwendeMwende saysArt,Creativity
What's with the notion that artists should not make money on about? I know, I went straight to the point. This is because this conversation needs to be had. I had a heated argument with an artist the other day as he was convinced that artists shouldn't make money but should...