
Let’s get something right; the world doesn’t want you to be happy. Surprised? Don’t pretend to be. You already know this, even if this knowledge resides at the back of your mind. The world thrives on your unhappiness. All the major brands rely on you being unhappy for their existence.

You just need to lose ten kilograms and then you’ll be happy, right? Or find ‘the one’ and then you’ll be happy? Or get a promotion, land that big deal? Or move to that house in that part of the neighbourhood? There’s always something standing in the way of our happiness, isn’t there? But where do we get these ideas from? It’s from those ads and those magazines and those social media accounts and those people who are unhappy and want to spread their unhappiness to make themselves feel better.

It is no wonder that people are unhappy. Who would be happy when you’re constantly being told how you don’t measure up? These ‘standards’ are usually just a marketing ploy to lure you into buying something you don’t need to fulfill a need that cannot be fulfilled by things. You can’t drive away from your unhappiness no matter how fast your car is. You can’t marry out of your unhappiness no matter how wonderful your spouse is. You can’t drink away your unhappiness no matter how expensive your scotch is.

The road to happiness isn’t a destination but a journey. You grow into it. You enjoy the moments rather than await a specific finish line. Happiness begins from within. It begins when you decide that you will love yourself and embrace your journey through life. Quit comparing yourself to other people. You’re not them. You are you. The path you are on is yours alone and you should be open to where it leads. The journey of your life is yours alone too. Revel in it. Learn what you are here to learn and do the best you can do with what you have. In the end, the little things are what will make you smile. The wonderful connections you make with people and doing the best you can in making a difference in the world is enough. That’s the secret to happiness and the truth. The truth can be corny, but it’s the truth nonetheless.

mwendeMwende sayscontentment,discontentment,happiness,sadness,secret to happiness
Let's get something right; the world doesn't want you to be happy. Surprised? Don't pretend to be. You already know this, even if this knowledge resides at the back of your mind. The world thrives on your unhappiness. All the major brands rely on you being unhappy for their...