I can’t remember where the saying is from but it’s the one that says you should keep going even if all you can see is the next step. I’m at that point in my life where I am ready to go all out after the things I want because life is too short to spend endless amounts of time being afraid.

I can’t even begin to say the things I have been able to achieve ever since I started to actively chase after my dreams. It’s been rewarding and boosted my confidence because I now know that indeed I am capable of achieving what I set out to do if I just work at it. I will admit, it has not been easy. It’s easier to procrastinate but I have fought through the desire to sleep and let opportunities pass me by because I am afraid or it’s too hard.

Have I faced some rejection? Of course I have, but it has only made me hungrier for success. I want my dreams and more importnatly, I am ready for them. The road is long and the work is a lot and is hard but I am doing it bit and bit and making my way step by step by having faith that I’ll get there. I hope that I am privileged enough to see more of my dreams come true and that I can look back with pride and say, “Yes, I did that.”

mwendeThoughts on the Weekfaith
I can't remember where the saying is from but it's the one that says you should keep going even if all you can see is the next step. I'm at that point in my life where I am ready to go all out after the things I want because...