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Losing a job is pretty tough. Especially if it’s one that you love. Or one where you’ve been for most of your life. People get attached to jobs. Not just because they may like the work, but because they grow close to people there. It can become almost like a second family sometimes who you really care about. So, what can you do to get over job loss? No matter if you were fired, were made redundant, put on furlough due to Covid-19 or because the business went bust, they can all be equally painful. Getting over this can be tough, some take it harder than others. Here are some tips for you to consider.

A Lot Of People Are In The Same Boat

If you’ve lost your job, and perhaps you suffer from mental health issues, it’s important to know that it isn’t just you. Thousands of people lose their jobs every single day. It means you can really get another one. There are so many people out there who lost a job and went on to bigger and better things. Think about some of the biggest business leaders you know, they’ve all experienced setbacks. People from CMDR Brad Swanbeck who came back from adversity to Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin who dropped out of school. There are so many people out there who’ve come back from bad places, use them as inspiration and push on.


It Might Be Better Steering Clear Of The Same Industry

It’s important to note that it’s important to stay clear of the same industry sometimes. If you were made redundant due to something external affecting the industry, you may end up in the same situation all over again. It’s why you should consider something a little different. Think about the skills you have, and how they could apply to other jobs in other areas. It might be you’re looking for a full time or part time job. Try to think outside the box a little. What were you lacking in your old job? Maybe you want a more flexible working pattern or better hours. Think outside the box and you never know, you might be even happier in your next job.

Push For Business

Maybe you’ve always wanted to start a business. To sell your products or offer your services to other people. It might be that you think you can do a better job than your old employers. Going into business can be quite difficult. You might have found a gap in the market on Amazon and want to launch a product, or it might simply be that you want to start selling products to the local community via pop ups at trade fairs. There are so many potential outlets for any kind of business idea, you just need to work out which is the best for you and your situation.

Study Up

Maybe this is a sign that you should be pursuing your dream career. That job you’ve always wanted, the thing you’ve always wanted to do. This is the time. Can you book onto a part time course? Like a night course or maybe you can study in the day if you got a part time job. Studying can be pretty hard. Especially if you’ve got a family and other commitments.  

mwendeLifestyleCOVID-19,Job loss,Unemployment
Photo Credit Losing a job is pretty tough. Especially if it's one that you love. Or one where you’ve been for most of your life. People get attached to jobs. Not just because they may like the work, but because they grow close to people there. It can become almost...