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The internet is good for many things and over half the planet’s population uses it daily, and the one thing it has always favored is social engagement. Since its early days, the internet has created social spaces, now, with social media, those spaces are also commercial. This post explores some key elements you can’t ignore when using social platforms. 

What platforms are available?

Everyone knows about the big three social media channels. Those are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But the world of social media reaches far beyond the big three into more diverse spaces. 

Social media is a niche area, and every platform has its strengths, weaknesses, and differences. It is knowing what’s out there and which platforms are suitable for you in the best way to make a big social splash. 

Decide what you’re using your social channel for; is it for personal connections, networking, branding, promotion, or artwork? There is a platform for all of these and picking the right one makes a whole lot of difference. 

How to use social channels 

Although it doesn’t make sense to be super targeted with your social media platforms, chances are you will have several on the go at once. This is actually a good thing. It means you’re organized. 

Or does it? Unless you “are” organized, your many social media channels can quickly start to take over your life. You want to be active and engaging in all areas, but it becomes stressful and time-consuming. 

Don’t spread yourself too thin! Instead, choose two or three social channels you feel you can authentically engage with and focus on them. In doing so, you will engage with your audience better and more easily. 

How to know if someone blocked you

Over the years, social media has grown up and now has several settings you can use to control who sees your content. For example, you might want to segment your audience or perhaps block someone from seeing content altogether. 

But it can work the other way too! On Instagram, for instance, there is a setting to prevent certain people from viewing their content. But the platform won’t inform you if you’ve been restricted. So, how can you know if someone blocked you? 

Actually, it is simple. First, navigate to their profile and look at the available content. If the profile is set to private, that doesn’t mean you’re blocked. But if the page says “no posts yet,” you may have been blocked, or their profile is deleted. Find out more at

How to use a content strategy 

If you want to grow your audience on social media and retain their interest in your content, you can’t just wing it! There are only so many “samey” posts you can put up before people lose interest, no matter how cool it is. 

On the other hand, a content strategy is very effective. You will have a series of content ready to go across the month and a content calendar set up for specific dates and times of the day. This way, your audience comes to expect your high-value content and accepts it on their feeds. 

How to promote successfully 

Social media is a new dynamic! The idea of engaging with customers eye to eye has revolutionized marketing and advertising. The hard sell no longer works – especially on social media. 

If you find your endearment rates are falling even though you’re sending out your optimized ads, it could be that you’re hard-selling, and it’s putting people off! Instead, try to level with your audience and enter the conversation. 

Social media is a vehicle 

It might seem like the be-all and end-all sometimes, but is social media really that important? It is a fantastic tool for interacting with your audience and advancing your brand or product. Still, the value is not in the platform. 

Try to think outside of social media at the actual value of your followers and engagement. These are real people who happen to use the same social network as you. If you can engage their interest off-site, you can strengthen your brand and expand your audience. 

Optimize content for context

After you decide on the two or three social media sites you want to focus on, you need to create content for the channel. For example, you would expect to see a sitcom on the Discovery channel; equally, people want content that fits the conversation. 

Whether you have a personal or business brand, think about the core ideas and what content will be suitable for the social channel. Again, it’s helpful to triangulate your content so your posts are always consistent and fresh. 

mwendeLifestyleSocial media
Image Credit The internet is good for many things and over half the planet's population uses it daily, and the one thing it has always favored is social engagement. Since its early days, the internet has created social spaces, now, with social media, those spaces are also commercial. This post...