I have a general theme for my life every year and for 2018 it’s, ‘’Creating the life I want’’. I had been feeling like I was stuck in a rut in 2017 and I wanted to regain control and begin living an authentic life. I also wanted to feel excited when I woke up in the morning about my goals, accomplishments and life in general. In short, I wanted to lead an interesting life as well as exciting, and not for the benefit of anyone else but myself.

The year is coming to an end and I can proudly say that I have accomplished my goal and I’m on course to bigger and better things, simply because I made a conscious decision to own my life. I receive a lot of complements every day from friends and strangers on my glow and energy and it’s all because I am genuinely happy and content and consequently, my light is shining bright.

It takes concerted effort but I believe everyone can own and create the life they want if they plan and work at it. Here are my tips on how I’ve managed to do so.

  1. Career/Hobbies

It’s difficult to leave a job or change careers but I’ve gotten to the point where I am so aware of the limited time I have in this life and I would rather spend my time pursuing a fulfilling career, that I am no longer afraid to take risks. I have an unconventional career as a content creator and though it is quite challenging, I have stuck with it because I genuinely enjoy what I do and I am working to make sure that I can keep comfortably doing it for as long as I can.

Hobbies are a great way to spend time and focus your passion especially if your career is not fulfilling. Also, sometimes hobbies turn into careers or at least bring in additional income. Blogging for me started as a hobby and it now not only brings in income, but has also given me opportunities to have amazing experiences and be in rooms with some of the most exceptional people in the world.

  1. Social life

I know it’s hard to believe, but I am an introvert. Yes, a social introvert is a thing. I am also a creature of habit and so I tend to have the same social circle. I pushed myself this year to venture outside my social circle and make new friends. I am happy to say that I managed to make actual new friends as well as interesting acquintances.

Go out of your way to attend events you’re likely to meet new people, even if you have to go alone. I’ve been attending wine tastings, group hikes, quiz nights, friend dates and book readings. All you need to do is check out event listings and tour companies and you should be able to find something you want to try out and people already signed up you can meet there.

  1. Travel

It costs money, don’t let anyone fool you that it doesn’t. However, you can start with experiences nearby. It’s amazing how many Kenyans have not even been to places like National Archives, National Museum or Giraffe Centre. They cost under Ksh 500 and have a lot to offer. There are also similar places all over the country and with proper planning, you can go around the country discovering new places while not breaking the bank. Travelling outside the country is also not as expensive as it used to be and there are plenty of tour operators with fantastic packages. I have been using my Loop App from CBA to track my expenses and to help me save for vacations and it’s been such a life saver. It is the bank for interesting people after all!

  1. Learning opportunities

If you’re a professional, there are so many opportunities to learn and network through conferences, fellowships and even speaking opportunities. This year I applied for so many and attended quite a number. I even went a step further and sought out moderator and trainer engagements and other than being great for my profile, it boosted my confidence and widened my social and professional circle.

  1. Document

I know that with the advent of social media, documenting and curating our lives seems like a vapid pursuit. However, done properly, it is a great way to document the happiness during good times and hold us together when things are not as good. Also, you’re not young forever so it’s probably a good idea to take those pictures over the years and with the people you want to always remember. You don’t even need to post the pictures or videos online but you can store them for your own curation of your life.

mwendeLifestylebank for interesting people,CBA,Loop,travel
I have a general theme for my life every year and for 2018 it’s, ‘’Creating the life I want’’. I had been feeling like I was stuck in a rut in 2017 and I wanted to regain control and begin living an authentic life. I also wanted to feel...