
2018 was a milestone year for me. That being said, it meant a whole lot of challenges and a lot of uncharted territory. Needless to say, I struggled a lot and at times completely gave up. It’s a terrible thing to feel unprepared for what life is throwing at you and even the best of us need to take a break from it all. Thankfully, I have a great support system and I was able to work through what I needed to and get back into the fight.

The year felt like it was 5 in 1 while going back like it was a 6-month year. My anxiety skyrocketed as I tried to get as much going as I possible could, which lead to my burn out. This coupled with increasing responsibilities made it one hell of a year. When I finally got my mojo back, I had a lot of taking stock to do.

I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll reiterate it. Your life is your responsibility and it’s paramount to live with intent. I had to admit that I was not on top of my health and my life. I took on too much and did not put the structures in place to mitigate the challenges. After accepting this, I put measures in place to manage my time better and to put my health first. I had to start watching my diet and take my work out seriously to keep my energy up and get enough sleep as well. So far, it’s made a big difference and though I still falter sometimes, I am happy with my progress.

For 2019, I am looking forward to growing and learning some more and to saying yes to bigger and better opportunities. I want to continue being unapologetically myself – dreaming, laughing, creating, loving. Fiercely. Creating the life I want. Happy 2019!

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fbthdr 2018 was a milestone year for me. That being said, it meant a whole lot of challenges and a lot of uncharted territory. Needless to say, I struggled a lot and at times completely gave up. It’s a terrible thing to feel unprepared for what life is throwing at you and even...