Photo by Rebrand Cities from Pexels

The time has come. Your business has been doing consistently well for a number of months and it is now time to bring an extra pair of hands to the business to help out. Hiring a new team member can be a bit of a daunting prospect and if you have never gone through the hiring process before you may want some advice. 

Here are some of the best tips I have for hiring, and how you can always find the right person for the job. 

1. Write Great Job Descriptions

One of the most important parts of the hiring process to get right is the job description. A job description is the first contact anyone will have with you and it will be the thing that either causes them to stay or leave. Make sure you create an interesting description and this will make all the difference to anyone who comes to you. 

2. Post Jobs In The Right Place

Posting your job is an important step of the process and to find the right people, you need to post in the right place. Online sites like Indeed and Reed are great options to spread the word, and more specialist sites such as the Candidate or Glass Door for marketing roles is a good choice. LinkedIn can be a great tool because you’ll be able to see the profile of applicants and get an idea of who they are. 

3. Go Beyond the Resume

 A resume is rather like window shopping. You might glance and see something you like, but once you go into the store and try the piece on, there may be issues with the fit and the quality. Think of a resume as the first point of contact between you and your prospect employee. It is NOT the only facet to their abilities and you need to look beyond this to find someone truly right for your business. 

4. Think Personality

Experience is not the be all and end all of a good employee. When hiring, think of their personality. Particularly for a small business you will be working in close quarters so make sure to hire someone you can get along with! 

5. Know Your Culture

Have you defined your workplace culture yet? To hire the right people you need to think about the aesthetic you are looking for. Make sure that anyone who works for you feels right in your office space and even use your culture to advertise for the role in the first place. 

6. Check Their Background

Before you hire an employee to join you in your business you need to check their background. There are many checks you can do to ensure an employee is trustworthy and it will make all the difference to you as an employer. try using this service to check things such as their criminal history, drug usage, and previous employment. It is important to learn about your prospect employee and make sure they are trustworthy. 

Photo by Rebrand Cities from Pexels The time has come. Your business has been doing consistently well for a number of months and it is now time to bring an extra pair of hands to the business to help out. Hiring a new team member can be a bit of a daunting prospect...