Life is hard. I feel like I have said this before but it’s worth saying again. Life is hard and it is what it is. Being hard is not necessarily always a bad thing and it doesn’t negate the wonderful things that life can bring. Even with all the challenges, there are moments of happiness and love and that is something that cannot be discounted. In the busyness of living life though, the dreams we had when we were younger and less troubled with life’s responsibilities can fall by the way side.

When I was in my early 20s, I had all these dreams and I approached the world like it was mine to take. I experimented a lot and it was during this time that I did some work in radio, film and poetry that I am still proud of today. When I got to my late 20s though, I swapped my dreams for the realities of paying bills and supporting my family. I didn’t realize it until the other day, but I haven’t done a lot of experimenting and most of the work I do is mostly geared towards earning a pay cheque.

After a weekend of some soul searching a few weeks ago, I rewrote my old creative goals anew. I still want to make films. I still want to publish a book. I still want to travel. I still want to host that podcast. I still want to create work that is mine. Work that is good, fulfilling and shows the world what I’m made of. I’ve started dreaming again. Better yet, I have started putting to action the plans to achieve those dreams and I can’t wait to see where this leads.

mwendeThoughts on the Weekadulting,Creativity,Dreams
Life is hard. I feel like I have said this before but it's worth saying again. Life is hard and it is what it is. Being hard is not necessarily always a bad thing and it doesn't negate the wonderful things that life can bring. Even with all the...