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How many WW2 veterans are still alive? The number is depleting every day. As we move closer to the 75th anniversary of the end of the second world war, we should appreciate the lessons from history which we can learn from our loved ones. There have been dramatic changes in every aspect of life within the decades since the last world war, and there is so much we can learn from those who have lived through these advancements.

Taking the time to sit and listen to the stories and life-lessons of our elders can be beneficial to our own lives while creating an understanding of our histories and showing respect to our seniors.

Family Values

It is easy to see that our quality of living has improved over the years. Developments in technology has automated a lot of our most difficult jobs. We are working less and earning more; meaning that we have a better home-life balance. We have the means of instant, globe-spanning communication, and it has never been easier to travel and see the world. But, it could be argued that this has come at a cost. Divorce rates have never been higher and there is always talk about a breakdown in family values.

In older generations, society was less forgiving of breakdowns within relationships and families, and as such, couples learned to communicate better and work through their problems together. They were creative in the ways that they dealt with their issues. You might say that people might not have been happy and at least nowadays they don’t need to stay in an unhappy situation, but societal pressures did encourage solutions.

A couple that has been together for several decades will always tell you that the keys to a long lasting relationship are; listening to each other, resolving arguments quickly, taking ownership of your mistakes and forgiveness.

We could all learn to appreciate the people we choose to surround ourselves with. Our partners and families are the most important people in the world, and the wisdom of the older generations can be very insightful when it comes to relationships.

Finding Enjoyment In Life

Our grandparents’ generation might not have had as much as we have now. They grew up in times before the internet. There wasn’t the constant on-tap entertainment that we take for granted. Travel opportunities were fewer, and there wasn’t the need to go out and buy the newest gadgets.

There might have had less, but older generations seemed to appreciate what they had more. Being genuinely thankful for whatever you have can make you a happier person. Worrying about what others have and what you have not got can eat away at you. Many of our older relatives will have lived through hardships and can show us the humility to take what we have and make the best we can out of it.

Being Yourself

Image is everything, and we are constantly bombarded with advertising images, Instagram celebrities and pop-stars. There are pressures to look and dress a certain way and fitting in is challenge that so many feel they have to undertake. Understanding that you are who you, and there are few opinions that really matter when it comes to you are- and the most important opinion is your own.

There may have been less social demands on the sense of self in previous generations. And our older loved ones can teach us that in the grand scheme of things, fashions come and go, and being untrue to ourselves will only make us unhappy.

We All Grow Older

It’s an unavoidable situation. Time always moves forward, and we will all get older. We may not want to get older. We might fight ageing by clinging to our youth, keeping on doing the same things we did in our glory years, or dressing in a manner that suits the age we want to stay at. Many older people have the acceptance to understand that we all grow older, but that it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. There are things that we can enjoy as we are older, and one day, we too can have the wiser perspective that our older family members have.

So, take the time to spend some time with your parents or grandparents. Not only will their world insight and relationship advice be beneficial to you, but you can also strengthen your relationship with them, and you can appreciate the ways in which they have enriched the world to make it a better place for all of us.

mwendeLifestylegrandparents,life advice
Image Credit How many WW2 veterans are still alive? The number is depleting every day. As we move closer to the 75th anniversary of the end of the second world war, we should appreciate the lessons from history which we can learn from our loved ones. There have been dramatic...